
Lesson 16 - Jewish Holy Days


During a recent discussion on the significance of each Jewish holy day, a devout Jew responded at one point saying, “As a general rule, most Jewish holidays follow a simple formula—they tried to kill us, they didn’t succeed, let’s eat.”  While there is certainly an element of humor in the comment, there is also an element of seriousness because many of the holidays do derive from efforts to stamp out the Jewish people.

Join Mark Lanier as we push deeper into the Jewish holidays.  A set of those holidays falls in rapid succession during each autumn, beginning with the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah1) and ending with the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur2).

It is to those fall holidays authorized by God, given to Moses, that we turn our attention today. As we do so, we will examine not only the biblical basis for the holidays, but also any references by the New Testament and the practice of Jesus, as well as the current practices of Jews and implications for Christians today.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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