
Lesson 33 - Paul's Last Letter and Last Days


New Testament Survey – Lesson 33: Paul’s Last Letter (2 Timothy) and Last Days

A quick review of what we know of Paul in the book of the Acts is recounted followed by what took place after events in the Acts. In 2 Timothy Paul is again under arrest in Rome only this time the conditions are much worse and Paul sees the coming of his death. This gives him a special perspective on his hope of salvation, which was based on in whom his faith was placed and not as much on what the doctrine was about. In his ending comments he instructed Timothy to ready in season and out of season to preach the Gospel.

Key Words

Death, imprisonment, dying, Paul, Timothy, Titus, Acts, Clement, Spain, Rome, Caesar Nero, ‘substituted as culprits’, Suetonius, house arrest, persecution, ‘apostle of Christ Jesus’, ‘spirit of timidity’, confidence, faith, suffering, Onesiphorous, endure hardships, disown, faithful, approved, workman, noble instrument, ‘evil desires of youth’, stupid arguments, pursue righteousness, ‘last days’, denial of God, ‘God-breathed’, martyr, Origen, Eusebius, Gaius, Ostian Way, ‘The Acts of Pau;,


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier

