
Lesson 32 - Paul's Letter to Titus


New Testament Survey – Lesson 32: Paul’s Letter to Titus

Titus is both a pastoral letter and it is a thorough to-do list for Titus to follow in the churches Paul expected him to minister within. Titus was a Greek convert of Paul’s who traveled extensively with him; as such he was well versed and shared much of Paul’s understanding of doctrine. And he used him as his agent or representatives to the churches. The letter to Titus provided details of what Titus needed to do to get the churches in order. He gave Titus a list of traits for those Titus would appoint to the Eldership as well as strong words of guidance on how to deal with some of the difficult situations and people he would encounter.

Key Words

Titus, Timothy, ‘To-do’ list, Pastoral Epistle, Jerusalem council, un-circumcised, Crete, Cretans, ‘a servant of God’, ‘apostle of Jesus Christ’, ‘faith’, ‘knowledge’, ‘true son’ in the faith, Jesus’ messenger, Elders, traits, ‘insubordinate empty talkers’, Epimenides, ‘corrupted their consciences’, ‘sound doctrine’, ‘grace of God’, ‘predicate adjective’, self controlled, upright, righteous, subject to rulers, ‘normative’, submissive, obedient, ready for every good work, avoid quarreling, gentle, perfect courtesy, justified, Zenas the Lawyer


Speaker: W. Mark lanier

