
Lesson 23 - Acts of the Apostles – Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Concluded


In the conclusion of Paul’s third missionary journey, he leaves Ephesus, traveling back towards Corinth. He stayed in Greece for 3 months planning to sail back through Syria when a plot against his life caused him to change plans. Instead of a sea route, Paul took an overland route through Macedonia. A young man, Eutychus (whose name means Lucky), fell asleep while listening to Paul’s teaching and fell out of the window to the ground three stories below. Paul went to the street and cradled Eutychus in his arms; God restored Eutychus’ life. At Miletus, about 30 miles from Ephesus, Paul summoned the church elders and gave an incredible “good-bye” speech. He told the elders he was going to Jerusalem, under no illusions as to what he would face. God had prepared him for imprisonment and death. Paul wanted to finish the course God had set before him testifying to the good news of Christ’s death for humanity’s sin.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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