
Lesson 21 - 2 Corinthians - Part 2


Paul planned to visit Corinth; instead, he went directly to Macedonia. He could have washed his hands of the Corinthian Church. They were awful to him, even joking about how short he was. From Macedonia he wrote to them, explaining that he decided not to come see them because he felt he could not be the ā€œaroma of Godā€ he needed to be in order to be a God-like influence. Instead, he would cause them more pain. Paul told them that the Old Testament covenant was etched in stone and brought death because no one could follow it but that the Holy Spirit brings life and glory. God changes us little by little to reflect his image. Paul learned from Titus that the Corinthians are moving back toward Paulā€™s teachings.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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