
Lesson 19 - Paul's 2nd and 3rd Missionary Journey - Part 1


During Paul's second missionary journey he stopped in Ephesus and reasonsed with the Jews in the sysnagogue. He didn't stay there long but left, his friends and fellow believers Aquila and Priscilaa stayed behind. A learned and eloquent man from Alexandria, Apollos, came into the town teaching about Jesus.  Apollos’s teachings had notable holes!  Apollos understood the baptism taught by John the Baptist, but failed to grasp the full import of Christ's death and resurrection. He was not teaching about the Baptism of Christ and the subsequent gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank goodness Priscilla and Aquila were there. In this lesson you find out how they attempted to fill in Apollos knowledge about Christ and the reaction Apollos exhibited when they did!D

During Paul's third missionary journey, he again returns to Ephesus, a place known for it's magic! They even worshipped a meteroite (not knowing what it was they built a temple to it!) The Holy Spirit through Paul works real magic in healings and life changing events. Learn how in this lesson!




Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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