
Lesson 17- Acts of the Apostles - Part 6 - Paul and the Spread of the Church


Paul went to Corinth from Athens. Corinth, by all accounts was a wealthy and vibrant city, mostly due the unique location for trade and travel. Positioned with two harbors, one that faced Italy to the west and another facing Turkey to the East the route through Corinth was the safest way to sail from Italy to Troas, Ephesus, or other key cities in the eastern Mediterranean. While in Corinth, one night Paul had a vision from God where God told Paul not to fear, for in Corinth he would neither be attacked nor harmed. God was true to his word, and Paul stayed in Corinth for a full year and a half, longer than any city up to that point on his missionary trips. Corinth was the safest route for ships, and God used Corinth as a safe harbor for Paul to continue his missionary work without the violent persecutions that had marked the earlier Journey.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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