
Lesson 17- Acts of the Apostles - Part 4 - Paul and the Spread of the Church


After a return trip through the Galatian towns reinforcing the churches, Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch.  Paul continued his efforts to strengthen the churches in Galatia, fearing that that the churches were following a different teaching, a distortion of the true gospel. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul reiterated the message that all are saved by faith in Christ, not attempting to live under the Law of Moses.  Paul and Silas decided return to Galatia to encourage the fledgling churches. In Lycra they added Timothy to the group and in Troas, Luke joined the mission effort. The Holy Spirit rerouted the apostles to Philippi, and after Paul drove out a spirit of divination from a slave girl in Phillipi, he and Silas were arrested, beaten and jailed. 


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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