
GOG 016 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 4


Is God Guilty of Fraud: Part 16 -Science or Faith Part 5Mark opens this weekā€™s lesson with the question: Does science conflict with faith? Faith is something that instructs us to use science to good ends, gives us a reason, purpose, and infuses us with morality. If Scripture and science seem to differ, keep digging. Embracing science increases our understanding of Scripture. On the question of creation or evolution, Mark lays out two major concerns for many people: 1) Do we believe in the integrity of Godā€™s word? 2) Is there a need for God. Listen to Mark discuss the creation accounting in Genesis 1 through 2:3 as he addresses these additional questions: How literal do we take these verses? Fully literal or allegorical? Did God speak Hebrew when he spoke the world into existence? Did God make the world in 6, 24 hour literal days? Are there other ways to understand the creation story? Join Mark as he continues Is God Guilty of Fraud? (earlier lessons in this series are titled ā€œThe Greatness of Godā€) series with Part 4 of ā€œGod of Faith or God of Science.ā€ Mark looks at the interplay between the biblical view of science and faith, and how the view we have of the world affects how we live day-to-day. This video is part of a series: Is God Guilty of Fraud? - Mark Lanier, a trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of Godā€™s greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses Godā€™s CV to understand who He is, what His greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth of Godā€™s greatness, does Godā€™s CV indicate that he keeps His promises and does Godā€™s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness?


Speaker: Mark Lanier

