
GOG 001 - Introduction


Lesson Title: Chapter 1, Introducing God’s CV Join us as Mark Lanier introduces his new series, The Greatness of God:  Examining God's CV.  Mark kick's off this illuminating new series that carefully examines God's Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume, like a lawyer might examine a witness. C.V.’s are a modern cultural invention, but that examine one’s qualifications and interests.  One wishes the Bible had God’s C.V. but the Bible is not written that way.  As central to my effort to write a book about the Greatness of God, I decided that I would begin writing a C.V. of God.  The C.V. could never be exhaustive, for no man can fully comprehend God for who he is, much less all he has done.  The C.V. couldn’t contain all of God’s accomplishments, if for no other reason than that one C.V. can’t hold all of history, which has unfolded under the divine hand of God.  So my C.V. for God is one that sets out in brief form, some of the major accomplishments which are subject of this book. God’s CV would include that he is both a creator and a destroyer. How does this reconcile with His greatness? Added Bonus: tricks to compensate for time change


Speaker: Mark Lanier

