
Session 7, Genesis 3-


11-5-23 Biblical-Literacy Pastor David Fleming taught the next lesson in the Genesis series, with an emphasis on Genesis 3: The Garden of Eden and the fall. Pastor Fleming cited three points in today’s lesson: 1. The ancient context: Moses responded to the Hebrew people’s questions according to the historical language, vocabulary, understanding, and culture. While Adam and Eve lived in paradise with God, they daily chose to follow Him in obedience. 2. The Genesis Story: Adam and Eve disobeyed and were separated from God because of their sin. God’s command wasn’t about the forbidden tree; it was about who to trust. 3. A look ahead: God gave Moses the plans for the tabernacle, the law, the sacrificial system, and the promise of a Messiah fulfilled in the New Testament Listen to Dr. Fleming explain the conversation the serpent had with Eve. God is good, and we can trust Him. He is always pursuing, promising, and providing for His people.


Speaker: Pastor David Fleming

