
Session 6, Genesis 2 and 3 !!! \


10-29-23 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued with the study of Genesis and focused on the Garden of Eden as written in Genesis 2. Three points highlighted his discussion:

  1. Story basics: Information and meaning. Genesis was written for us but to ancient Israel. Mark gave a review of the pagan culture of the world during Moses’ time. We don’t know the exact location of the Garden of Eden. Discover the sequential and synoptic views of creation. Realize that God doesn’t need us. We are the culmination of His handiwork.
  2. Deeper textured: Contextual reading identifying the vision, purpose and mission: we aren’t gods; we aren’t animals; we are the temple of God.
  3. New Testament Textures: Focuses on a personal relationship with God.
Points for home included: Human dignity, Equality, Work    


Speaker: Mark Lanier

