
Session 5, A close look at


October 15, 2023 Genesis Session 5 In this session Mark discusses Moses on Mount Sinai +1240 BC A close look at "Enuma Elish and "Atrahasis" The Lesson is broken down into: Bizarre Story: The implications and teaching of what and how Moses communicated his message and how we as human beings should interpret the scriptures related thereto. What Moses and the people heard was massively different and very revealing, Moses goes to the top of mount Sinai to deliver his message and communicated a message, how is unknown, which was written to Ancient Israel, in Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Vocabulary and Ancient Understanding. Mark discussed the impact on the neighboring cultures based on a current map of the area. Moses, through the power of God wrote the ten commands in stone and gave them to Israel. Text in Context: Mark discussed the surrounding neighbors of Israel such as Ugarit – gods are supersized humans The Ba ‘lu Myth Dawn and Dusk Akkadian- The Enuma Elish, also known as “The seven tablets of creation” Atrahasis- gods create lesser gods, lesser gods rebel Points for Home: Don’t miss the forest for the trees. The unique awesomeness of God in his revelation and creation, Unlike any human or god. Psalms 8, Deuteronomy 10:17


Speaker: Mark Lanier

