
Chapter 3 - Old Testament Minor Prophets, Jonah (pt 1)


Mark continued his series on the minor prophets with study of Jonah. Mark provided critical insight into Jonah’s life and the historical context. Jonah’s job was a prophet counselor to King Jeroboam II c793 BC before God directed him to Nineveh and call the people to repentance. Instead, of obeying God’s new job, Jonah flees via boat in the opposite direction to Tarshish. Mark taught that we are to live life as a job: life is work. God has work for us to do, and we can’t run from God. We are to seek God’s presence in thankfulness and praise, even when our life's job is not what we want. Psalm 95:2 and Psalm 100:2


Speaker: Mark Lanier

