
Chapter 24, The Old Testament Minor Prophets; Zechariah's very important prophecies about Jesus.


Biblical-Literacy 4-30-23 Dr. David Capes taught from the book of Zechariah as part of the Study of the Minor Prophets series. We were reminded that the prophet’s name Zechariah means "God remembers”. David divided the lesson:

  1. Define Messiah: The one who is anointed; Christ—the one who is anointed; the anointed one; Liberating Jesus. God would return to be king.
  2.  Matthew’s use of Zechariah: The New Testament quotes Zechariah 66 times. Dr. Capes showed four of the passages in Matthew.
  3. “On that day” Chapters 12-14 prophecies of the end times:
  • The Lord will be King.
  • Jerusalem will be victorious.
  • The Lord will shield the inhabitants of Israel.
  • All nations seek to destroy Israel will be destroyed.
  • Jerusalem will be forgiven.
  1. Points for home:
  • The work of the Messiah is also the work of the Messiah’s people.
  • Who is Jesus - a most unusual King.
  • We are to follow His example.
Listen to Dr. Capes explain how Zechariah revealed the origin of the Messiah -and- Christology.    


Speaker: Dr. David Capes

