
Chapter 22, Old Testament Minor Prophets, Haggai. (pt1)


Biblical Literacy -4-16-23 Dr. David Fleming taught the book of Haggai as part of the Study of Minor Prophets. A book only 2 chapters in length not of Haggai’s opinion but God’s word to his people thru the prophet.The context of Haggai was during the reign of King Darius who allowed the Jews in Babylon to return to Jerusalem from exile, but they are dissatisfied. Themes included:

  1. God speaks -a time to line up our ways with Him
  2. Consider your ways -misplaced priorities. Jesus?
  3. Go and Do -Put God first and step out of your comfort zone.
  4. He is with you
  5. God is faithful
Points for Home in today’s context:
  1. What did God say to you?
  2. Go and do it.
  3. The Lord will be with you.
Listen to Dr. Fleming share how God’s words to the Israelites apply to us today. Through God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, persistent faithfulness, and sovereignty, He has the ability to get us to the finish line.


Speaker: Dr. David Fleming

