
DFT 8 - Devotionals from the Torah 8


This week Mark shared 6 of his personal favorite devotions from his book Torah for Living Daily Prayers, Wisdom, and Guidance.

  1. Numbers 14:39 - To whom do you listen? Recognize the strength of council from those who faithfully follow God. Listen to God or to those who are faithful to God.
  2. Exodus 39:22-24 - God is in the details. Our detailed God has not forgotten about us.
  3. Genesis 38:7 - Nobody fools God. Let's be honest with God.
  4. Numbers 3:38- Who's guarding whom? God doesn't need our protection. Use deliberateness in approaching God.
  5. Genesis 7:24-8:1 - God is an action God. Pray For God to act in our lives.
  6. Deuteronomy 30:11-14 - The power of obedience. God's not playing hide and seek with us.  Listen to Mark teach in depth of these 6 powerful Old Testament passages.
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Speaker: Mark Lanier

