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Colossians - Week 1 |
01/28/2018 |
W. Mark Lanier |
Mark begins a new series “Colossians” with an introduction anthropological perspective of the Colossians. Describing the lifestyle and the cultural issues leading up to the “occasion” letter addressing heresy. Serious bouts of false teachings threaten the Colossians church. Mark dives deeper giving us a detail perspective of Paul’s “occasion” letter to the Colossians. Paul’s letter is about correcting the false teaching circulating the Colossians. After Mark gives us insight into the issues the Colossians were facing he points out how Paul admonishing the Colossians with love. |
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Colossians - Week 2 |
02/04/2018 |
W. Mark Lanier |
Mark continued with session 2 in the church-wide Multiply study of Colossians. Today’s focus was Colossians 1:15-29. How should we study an epistle? Mark teaches four steps: 1. Read the entire epistle in one setting. 2. Make notes of ideas, issues or questions that come to mind. 3. Go back and study in sections. 4. Apply to life. Listen for additional tips to ‘dig’ deeper in your study. As an example, Mark went thru the process for a section in Colossians 1:15-23 and focused on study of image/representation/icon with multiple references to visible & invisible as well as dissecting the use of the term firstborn or prototokos in Greek concluding if we want to see God, see Jesus - the all sufficient Christ! |
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Colossians - Week 3 |
02/11/2018 |
W. Mark Lanier |
Mark continues with church-wide focus on a study of Colossians and asks three questions: 1) What satisfies your heart and mind? 2) Where do you source joy? 3) Where do you find life’s answers? The Apostle Paul desires the people to know that God redeemed all those who believed in the saving power of Jesus and the cross. Hear Mark share how falsehoods handcuff us and rob our joy. That we must look only to Jesus Christ who sets us free and how we can strengthen our relationship with Jesus…and watch the effects multiply!
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Colossians - Week 4 |
02/18/2018 |
Brent Johnson |
Brent continued with Lesson 4 in the Church Wide focus on Multiply. This week in Colossians 3, the Apostle Paul taught believers to seek the things above. Brent continues with encouragement for all believers to seek accountability, choose love, and to model Christ. Listen to Brent use Colossians 3 as a framework for our walk with Christ. |
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Colossians - Week 5 |
02/25/2018 |
W. Mark Lanier |
Mark finished Lesson 5 of the church-wide study of Colossians. His teachings of chapter 4 show us how to live and engage in the world then and now by making the most of our opportunities to live for Christ. |
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Colossians - week 6 |
03/04/2018 |
W. Mark Lanier |
Mark wrapped up the church-wide Multiply study of Colossians by focusing on Colossians 4:2-3. How do you pray? Paul says to continue steadfastly. . . . Mark referred to the Greek, noting that “steadfastly" translated as "close at hand or ready or devote to.” Paul uses 2nd person, present imperative to show prayer is now. Be alert in your prayer and do so with thanksgiving. What do you pray for? How are your prayers directed? Listen to Mark teach us what Paul meant as to how we are to pray, and where we should be spiritually. |
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