
CH19 St. Patrick


Church History: Chapter 19 – St. Patrick

St. Patrick was born in Roman Britain, but at the age of 16 was taken to Ireland and put in slavery. He was put in charge of his master’s sheep and as he spent a lot of time away from family and friends he spent his time contemplating his sinfulness. God used this time of persecution and isolation to work in Patrick’s heart and mind and he gave his life to God. He wrote his Confessions as a guide for those who came after him and it is evidence of how much God had spoken to him. He returned to Britain and after a number of years returned to Ireland where he became the first missionary there and led many into conversion.

Key Words

St. Patrick, Confessions, Coroticus, The Epistle to Coroticus, Faed Fiada, Deer’s Cry, Roman Britain, Ireland, slavery, Diocletian, “Fall of the Roman Empire,” “Middle Ages,” Clyde River, shepherd, visions, dreams, Bishop


Speaker: Brent Johnson

