
CH08 Part 1 Trinity


Chapter 8 – Part 1: The Trinity – Biblical Basis

There is not an explicit reference in our Bible that states, “The LORD your God is one God who in His oneness exists as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.’ It would be more accurate to say that the Bible reflects and expresses the Trinity doctrine and it does so in a variety of ways. We do see the Trinity reflected in three ways throughout the New Testament. In the devotion or worship of the first Christians: Paul wrote in numerous letters and specifically in Eph. 1:1-11: “…the Father chose us…in Christ we have redemption…and we are marked with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.” In salvation we are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the communion we share with God is through the spiritual relationship we have with the Trinity (1 Cor. 12:4-6).

Key Words

Trinity, Nicene Creed, the Shema, Three in One, ‘echad’, Creator and Sustainer, revelation, sui generis, devotion, grace (charis), ‘Trinitarian consciousness”, “The Three Personal God”, “Trinitarian Faith”


Speaker: Melvin Tinker

