
Biblical Study While Living with Corona - Lesson 6 04/19/2020 Mark Lanier


Mark continued with Bible Study While Living with the Coronavirus. This week’s lesson focused On the Road to Emmaus from Luke 24:13-35. Easter Sunday has the power to change our lives, who we are, how we live, and how we interact with others through the power of the risen Savior. Mark provided three points from the Emmaus story: 1. Journey of Luke. He tuned into journey and structured his writings like an hourglass. 2. Journey of Emmaus. The journey to faith is a journey from sad thickheadedness to enthusiastic joy. 3. Journey of Life. Not to lose sight of the Resurrection. The last people that should experience sadness in this world are the ones who understand God resurrected His Son Jesus Christ from the dead. We are the children of God. The power that raised Jesus from the dead will raise us from the dead. Listen to Mark teach how the two men on the road to Emmaus rose from darkness to hurry back to Jerusalem to share the light of the risen Savior.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

