
Chapter 9: Better Bible Study series continues with the theme Emmanuel


Dr. David Capes taught the next lesson in the Better Bible Study, BBS, series focused on Immanuel in the Gospel of Matthew.  Matthew’s Gospel was placed first by the early church leaders. It’s a user-friendly handbook to the church. Dr Capes had three points. 1. Background of Immanuel in Matthew     Fulfillment of Scripture      Prophets both spoke and acted out their messages 2. Bookends      Matthew begins when Jesus is born as Immanuel - God with us.       It ends with the great commission and Jesus is with us always.  Points for Home   1. BBS begins by reading entire books not just isolated verses.    2. Many times we can discover that unclear passages can be explained by clear ones so reading more and in context is key.  Listen to Dr. Capes show how Jesus, as Immanuel, is God with us and evident throughout Matthew. He asked of the apostles - Who do you say that I am?   


Speaker: Dr. David Capes

