
Chapter 11: Better Bible Study; A Hermeneutical Approach


8-13-23 Biblical-Literacy Dr. David Capes continued in the Better Bible Study, BBS, by highlighting principles of exegesis. Exegesis - a “close reading” of a text. Dr. Capes began with a review of the BBS lessons to-date, then turned his attention to the topic of Exegisis. Lesson points: What do you bring to the tasks of studying the Bible? History, disposition, culture, values, griefs, and hopes BBS begins with reading entire books not isolated verses. Reading the Bible closely. Reviewing the culture of the time of writing including geography. Points for home: Read text slowly against their linguistic, historical, and cultural contexts. Consider a cultural background study Bible Consult experts Ask - What did this text mean to the first people who heard it before asking what does it mean to me. BBS is not a solo act. It is a communal act. Listen to Dr. Capes explain how exegesis helps us dive deeper into Bible Study.


Speaker: Dr. David Capes

