
Chapter 10: Better Bible Study series continues with, Pastor Study Habits


8-6-23 Biblical-Literacy  Pastor Jarrett Stephens shared his approach to Better Bible Study, BBS, during this week’s class. He encouraged us to create our own method for our time with the Lord. Start small and grow in time spent building your relationship with God.  Hour of power - a spiritual workout.  1. Prioritize your time 2. Use a Study Bible and journal your thoughts, prayers, and what God is telling you. 3. Get a plan - As you engage with God’s word, ask yourself 1) What does this text say about God? 2) What does this text say about/to me? 4. Read a nonfiction book 5. End with Prayer and note the resulting actions to take as He speaks.  Your relationship with the Lord is only as good as your time with the Lord. Listen to Pastor Jarrett show us how Bible Study is our most important time of the day to grow our relationship with God and grow in Christ.  


Speaker: Pastor Dr. Jarrett Stephens

