
Lesson 14 - Galatians : Freedom!


The Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. In this lesson, Mark emphasizes three points about ā€œfreedomā€ from Paulā€™s letter. The first point, ā€˜The Seduction of self-justificationā€™ (Galatians 5:7 ā€“ 5:12), Paul notes that the Galatians were running well, but also noticed they have been ā€œhindered from obeying the truth (v7)ā€. He sees the subtle influence of the enemy and the law, and how they are missing living under the joy of the Lord. Markā€™s second point ā€˜Freedom to live is a freedom to loveā€™ (Galatian 5:13 ā€“ 5:15), is because of the freedom we receive under the cross, and to love one another. We are called to freedom and are not to use it as an opportunity for the flesh (v13). And third, ā€˜The key community teachingā€™ (5:14 ā€“ 5:15), as we have practical love for our community, and for ourselves


Speaker: Mark Lanier

