
Chapter 16 - Galatians; Family Talk


Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 16, “Family Talk”. Today’s lesson covers Galatians 6:1-10. For context, the Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. Moving into Chapter 6, Mark chose this title because we are going to read what Paul says about families (about the idea of a family). In the lesson Mark explains the passage with three ideas: ‘Family talk’ (Gal 6:1-6), ‘God talk’ (6:7-8), and ‘Pep talk’ (6:9-10). As a family, we are to do to others as we would have done to us, to forgive others, and to bear one another’s burdens. We know a healthy family helps create the backbone of society, however not all families are healthy. But as the body of Christ, we are a family, and as Paul guides us, we need to see ourselves as such to help build a healthy body and family. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/


Speaker: Mark Lanier

