A Welcome Message from Mark

We are honored that you would spend Sunday morning time with us. We recognize that none of us has enough time for all we would like to do, and for you to entrust your time with us is significant.

Mark’s goal is to use this hour as a time of Bible study that helps change our lives. The goal of Biblical Literacy is to know God more clearly as we seek to love and serve Him in all aspects of life. We study Scripture carefully because of a conviction that it is God’s word to us, His revelation and communication that He uses to transform us and the world.

Mark is personally glad you are here and wish God’s rich blessings to you and your family.

Mark is a practicing attorney who also holds a B.A. in Biblical Languages from David Lipscomb University. He is both a committed student of Scripture and an excellent communicator of its truths. He has been teaching this class since 2003. He also founded The Lanier Theological LIbrary, a Houston resource that is one of the top theological research libraries in the world.

There are lots of resources that the lessons provide. When you see a lesson that has a handout with it, it has been sent out to over 50 individuals from various disciplines including Old and New Testament scholars, archaeologists, apologetic professionals, pastors, rabbis, and academicians with relevant expertise in the material. This allows Mark the opportunity to provide the secular controversies and arguments in light of the actual Bible truths and God’s revelation to His people in the 21st century. There has never been a better time to be Biblically literate!

Mark is assisted by our CFBC Staff Liaison and Class coordinator, Pastor Brent Johnson.

We would like to get to know you well, but it will take a little work on both our parts. Would you let us know you are a guest? Click the SUBSCRIBE button on the home page to get the conversation started. Then if you think you might be back, start to get to know the people around you. Give some thought to joining our class. Join online. It’s a different world now and we are blessed to have the internet. We welcome you in any way you can learn with us.