
The Biblical Literacy class meets in person at 9:30 am every Sunday, for one hour in the Family Life Center (FLC) at Champion Forest Baptist Church, Champions campus. The church is located at 15555 Stuebner Airline Rd, Houston, TX 77069.

The class is also live streamed on our YouTube channel with edited closed-caption.

Mark Lanier is a prominent,  well-respected attorney with a degree in Biblical languages and has been teaching the class for over fifteen years. Using the skills he has honed as a trial attorney to seek truth, he prayerfully considers the cultural context and original languages of Judeo-Christian scripture and God’s revelation to us. Mark’s communication skills make this study accessible to all and of interest to all levels of formal education. Biblical Literacy is thorough and insightful study that seeks to answer address the relevancy of scripture for today. 


To spread the Good News of Jesus with wisdom, compassion, and love. We support many efforts across the globe. 


We believe that the Trinity,  (Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God), makes sense. Not only does the Trinity make sense but prayer, study and reliance on our Creator provides for unexplainable peace and real joy in a difficulty fraught world. 


We love all people and seek to serve as Jesus served.  We believe that Jesus was the real life example of  humility and that we should seek to mirror this in all of aspects of the Christian life.