
DLC15.0-Jesus Teaches How To Worship


Mark taught #15 in the series: Devotions from the Life of Jesus. Today’s devotions are themed around what Jesus said about worship. Mark explained the word “worship” comes from the Anglo-Saxon words meaning to “ascribe worth.” He expanded on these facets of worship: 1) Gratitude: Luke 17:11-19 teaches us that gratitude to God is worship and praise. 2) God-centered: Matthew 2:1-8 shows us true worship is centered on God. False worship is self-interested. 3) God-only: Matthew 4: 9-10 shows us our goal is to become like Jesus. True worship is God only. 4) Obedience: Matthew 7:6-7 teaches us that worship is obedience to God. 5) Reality: Revelation 5:11-14 emphasizes worship is rooted in the truth of who God is and what He's done. Listen to Mark detail and enlighten Scripture.


Speaker: Mark Lanier



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